초등부 Elementary
“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” Psalm 78:4-7
비전 Vision
예수님을 알고, 예수님을 닮고, 예수님을 나누자
To know Jesus, be like Jesus, and share Jesus.
미션 Mission
가정을 통해 아이들이 예수님을 인격적으로 만나 닮아가고 다른 사람들을 섬길 수 있도록
Be a family ministry in reaching children so they will know Jesus personally, be like Jesus, and serve others.
예배 Worship Service
주일학교는 5살부터 5학년까지의 아이들과 함께 매 주일 아침 11시반에 시작합니다. 찬양, 기도, 헌금과 설교를 통해 하나님에 대해 알아가고 있습니다. 전체 예배 후에는 연령별 세 그룹으로 나누어져 분반 공부를 합니다. 보통 12시45분쯤에 주일학교 활동이 끝납니다.
Our Sunday School has children from 5 years old to 5th graders. We start with a worship service for all ages at 11:30 am with praises, prayer, offering and sermon. Then, we break into three groups based on their age for small-group Bible studies. Typically, Sunday School ends around 12:45 pm to join the rest of the church members for fellowship afterward.
특별활동 Special Events
여름에는 5번의 주일에 걸쳐 여름 성경 학교를 합니다. 만들기, 연극, 게임과 같은 다양한 활동을 통해 놀라우신 하나님에 대해 배우고 있습니다.
In the summer, we have Vacation Bible School (VBS) for 5 Sundays. It is a great opportunity to learn about amazing God through various activities such as craft, skits, and games.
주일 예배 안내
11월 세 번째 주일
오늘 예배 안내 및 광고 보내드립니다.
설교 제목: 함께 기뻐해요
성경 말씀: 신명기 26:11
드리는 말씀
한달동안 마틴홀(친교실)에서 예배를 드립니다.
아이들은 친교실로 데려다 주시고 픽업도 친교실에서 해 주시면 됩니다. 분반공부가 끝나는대로 아애들을 데리고 친교실로 내려오겠습니다.
주일학교 드림
Hi everyone!
Here's the information about today's worship and announcement:
Sermon Title: Rejoice Together!
Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:11
Our worship service will be in Martin Hall for a month:
Please drop off and pick up your child(ren) in Martin Hall. We will bring the students down to Martin hall after our small groups.
hank you!
SJK Sunday School
초등부 예배 현황